Neutral and Confidential in the Exposure of its Results
For us the delivery time of results is paramount,
our winning equation is:
More quality and efficiency = Less investment and time.
ABC MARKETING provides and provision equality informationquickly, based on a personalized relationship with the client. Our differentiation is to provideprofitabilityin favor of clients and always improve our productivity. The equality of the information depends a lot on the equality of the personnel, for that reason the training and the constant feedbackis so important for us.More than 10 years position us as the best alternative in integral marketing
Our clients requestmore than two samplesper year
According our methodology
We carry out our labor using qualitative and quantitativeresearch, adapted to the needs of each client, at local, regional, national and international level (urban and rural populations).
We offer an Integral Solution according to the business needs of our clients.
We advise you oneverythingthat involves MARKETING ACTIONS.
ABC Marketing starts with the objective of providing an integral solution in Marketing Research and Planning.
It has contributed to the development and growth of companies (at different levels: micro, small, medium and large company) providing innovation and relevant information for decision making.
The work of ABC MARKETING is governedby its principles and moral values of its human resource: Professionalism, efficiency and equality of its services.
We use the following techniques:
Focus Groups
Method of necessary data collection to carry out an investigation. This type of technique is often used a lot in marketing to make product tests and to receive feedback from a group of people.
Incognito Client
The mysterious client or incognito client (mystery shopper), is a technique used to evaluate and measure the equality of client attention.
Depth interviews
It consists on making aunstructured personal interview, whose principal objective is to investigate in an exhaustive way a single person, so that they feel comfortable and free to express in detail his beliefs, attitudes and feelings about a study topic. It is only mainly carried out inexploratory research, especially in studies where the problem to be investigated is related to confidential, delicate or embarrassing aspects, or when the pressure of a group can affect the answers of the respondent.
Ethnographic Interviews
It is a technique that collects integral information about all the facets of consumers in theirstate and natural and everyday habitat. The main objective of ethnography is to understand the meanings that support the behavior and dynamics of interaction of the person.
We use the following techniques:
Counts& Direct Observation
It is one of the most used, for its effectiveness. Its application is much more effective when micro-movements, times and methods studies are considered.
Face-to-face Surveys
It consists in carrying out the face-to-face questionnaire, it should exist an interaction between interviewer and respondent, normally the interviewer takes notes of the answers although onoccasionhe only delivers the questionnaire and the respondent fills it.
Telephone Surveys
As its name suggests, telephone surveys are based on making phone calls to a sample of people and collecting data through questions or previously prepared questionnaires.
On-line Surveys
It consists of carryingout the questionnaire using the Internet as a distribution medium, the online surveys are mainly characterized bybeing cheap and having a higherresponserate.
Benefits and advantages of working with ABC Marketing
- Competitive Economic Proposals
- Technical Proposals tailored to the needs of customers.
- Professionals trained in universities abroad and the best institutions in the country.
- Experience in marketing and market research in important companies and institutions in the country.
- Process control and execution of studies in constant coordination with the client.
- Modality of our services OUT SOURCING – IN HOUSE.
- National coverage: Lima, Cajamarca, Ayacucho, Trujillo, Piura, Huancayo, Huaráz, Cusco, Iquitos, Arequipa and other cities of the country.
- International coverage: All the countries of Latin America and the United States.
- Equipped and adequate facilities.
- Technology: Managementof statistical, mathematical and economical programs. Networks. Internet.